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+34 91 435 50 51 | info@ej-delavega.com                       



The disclosure of the “controlling person” becomes public for Spanish companies

Starting in the current 2018, the Spanish Government has opted to use the obligation of depositing the financial Statements of the previous year before the Companies Registrar (Registro Mercantil) to comply with the EU Directive 2015/849 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing,...
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ZEC Canarias

Canary Island Special Zone: A tax rate of 4% offers the most attractive economic environment for companies throughout EU.

The European Commission authorized in 2000 a special tax regime for the Canary Islands (ZEC), now extended until year 2026. Within the policy of promoting social and economic development for the region, the current tax regime offers what can be considered the most attractive tax environment for companies carrying out industrial, commercial or service activities...
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Door opened to claim for tax refund for non EU residents

The Spanish Supreme Court declares that legal residence cannot imply loosing local tax exemptions The Spanish Supreme Court has issued a Court Ruling in February 19, 2018 (nº 242/2018) that analyzes the discrimination in which the Spanish Gift and Inheritance Tax Law falls when excluding non UE donees and heirs that acquire assets of any kind...
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De La Vega & Asociados

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